Non-Fusion Scoliosis Treatment in Connecticut
Non-Fusion Scoliosis Treatment in Connecticut
Between 2 and 3% of all people are affected by scoliosis. Usually presenting as idiopathic scoliosis (meaning “origin unknown”), young people are most frequently afflicted. The largest percentage of this group is made up of girls aged 10 to 18. For girls in this demographic, making friends and “fitting in” can be an uphill battle.
Scoliosis treatment is governed by the acuity of the curve and its progression. For example, curves under 25-degrees are generally treated with observation alone, as the progression of the curve is closely watched to determine viable treatment options.
If a curve of this acuity is observed to be progressing to between 24 and 40-degrees, patients may be prescribed bracing to stop progression and to begin mitigating and correcting it. Surgery is only considered after acuity reaches 40%.
Non-Fusion Scoliosis Treatment
Available for more than a decade now, anterior scoliosis corrective surgery (also referred to as “VBT”), is an exciting alternative treatment for scoliosis patients. Particularly effective for young people over the age of 10, this method of treatment harnesses skeletal growth to straighten curvatures over time.
Unlike fusion surgery, VBT helps safeguard flexibility in the spine, as well as continuing growth and has been observed to offer patients ongoing correction of the curve as they grow.
Possible Candidates
While VBT is most often recommended to patients between 10 and 18 years of age, it can sometimes help younger patients and even those who have stopped growing, entirely.
Patients with curvatures between 40 and 70% are prime candidates, but larger curves may also be treated with this therapeutic methodology. Doctors often hear that patients or parents of patients prefer to avoid the fusion procedure, due to the loss of spinal mobility.
Every scoliosis patient is unique, so while this therapy may be effective for some, that’s not always true. Recommending VBT is a matter of consultation. Scoliosis & Spine’s Dr. Baron Lonner will discuss non-fusion scoliosis treatment in Connecticut during your consultation.
Other Therapies
The UnyqAlign brace is a revolution in scoliosis bracing, rolled out at a fashion show which showcased its light, flexible construction. The UnyqAlign answers a need for bracing solutions which serve the largest group living with scoliosis – teenage girls. They’re much more likely to wear the UnyqAlign, due to its unparalleled comfort and attractive appearance.
The Scroth Method (developed in Germany) speaks to the needs of individual scoliosis patients, improving flexibility, posture and breathing and strengthening muscles, while building patient confidence.
When Scroth is combined with bracing, young people are empowered. And they become more engaged in their own healing. This therapeutic response encourages them to take ownership of their treatment, wearing their braces for the recommended number of hours per day and performing prescribed exercises.
Finding the ideal treatment for scoliosis is a journey Scoliosis & Spine is dedicated to taking with you.
Non-Fusion Scoliosis Treatment In Connecticut
A leader in scoliosis innovation and research, Dr. Baron Lonner’s award-winning work is acclaimed all over world. Contact us. Discover the difference groundbreaking non-fusion scoliosis treatment in Connecticut can make.