Non-Fusion Scoliosis Treatment in New Jersey
Non-Fusion Scoliosis Treatment in New Jersey
Between 2 and 3% of the general population is affected by scoliosis. Largely manifesting as idiopathic scoliosis (“of unknown origin”), mostly young people are afflicted and the largest percentage of this group consists of girls aged between 10 and 18. For girls in this demographic, navigating complex adolescent social structures and “fitting in” can be quite difficult.
Scoliosis treatment is guided by the acuity of the curvature and its continuing progression. For example, curves under 25-degrees are usually treated with observation alone, as the progression of the curve is monitored closely to determine the way forward.
If a curve of this acuity is seen to be progressing, curvatures reaching 25 and 40-degress may be prescribed bracing to halt progression and to begin correcting it. Surgery is considered after acuity reaches 40%.
Non-Fusion Scoliosis Treatment
In existence now for more than a decade, anterior scoliosis corrective surgery (also known as “VBT”), is offering new hope to people living with scoliosis. Especially effective for young people over the age of 10, this type of treatment exploits skeletal growth to correct curvatures over time.
Unlike fusion surgery, VBT helps maintain flexibility in the spine, continuing growth and has been seen to offer ongoing correction of the curve as the patient continues growing.
Wider Applications
While VBT is most commonly geared to the 10 – 18-year-old, it can be applied to younger patients and sometimes, to those who have stopped growing.
Patients with curvatures between 40 and 70% are the most likely candidates, but larger curves may also be addressed with this style of intervention. It’s often the case that patients or parents of patients prefer to avoid the fusion technique, due to the loss of spinal mobility involved.
Every scoliosis patient is different, so while this treatment may be effective for some, that’s not always the case. Determining candidacy is a matter of consultation. Scoliosis & Spine’s Dr. Baron Lonner will explain non-fusion scoliosis treatment in New Jersey to you.
The UnyqAlign flexible brace is a new style of bracing, rolled out at a fashion show, highlighting its light, breathable construction. The UnyqAlign answers a pressing demand for bracing options which serve the most prominent group living with scoliosis – adolescent girls. They’re much more likely to wear the UnyqAlign, due to its attractive appearance and comfort.
The Scroth Method works with the needs of individual scoliosis patients, strengthening muscles, improving flexibility, posture and breathing, while working on confidence.
When Scroth is combined with bracing, young people are empowered and thus, more intimately engaged in the project of their own healing. This means they take ownership of their therapy, wearing their braces for the prescribed number of hours per day and doing their exercises.
Finding the right treatment for scoliosis is a journey Scoliosis & Spine is committed to taking with you
Non-Fusion Scoliosis Treatment In New Jersey
A leader in scoliosis research and innovation, Dr. Baron Lonner’s award-winning work is recognized around the world. Contact us to experience the difference leading-edge non-fusion scoliosis treatment in New Jersey can make.