Vertebral Body Tethering
Anterior Scoliosis Correction, also known as VBT
Dr. Lonner is an International Leader in Anterior Scoliosis Correction, also known as Vertebral Body Tethering (VBT) Scoliosis Surgery

Find Out If You Are A Candidate For Anterior Scoliosis Correction, also known as VBT
“Emiline, an avid tennis player who is USTA Junior ranked, was 14 when she came to see us for worsening scoliosis. She was braced at the age of 13 and received chiropractic physical therapy which unfortunately did not prevent her curve from progressing. We performed a VBT procedure also known as tethering or flexible fusion and were able to correct her curvature by 100%. She began footwork drills at 4 weeks and rallying at 5 weeks after surgery.”
– Dr. Baron Lonner, MD
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“Sarah is an incredible young musician who had a severe curvature of the spine that was worsening. We performed at VBT Fusion surgery that preserves flexibility and growth of the spine, correcting her spine’s curvature and enabling her to get back on stage in a matter of weeks.”
– Dr. Baron Lonner, MD
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Find Out If You Are A Candidate For Anterior Scoliosis Correction, also known as VBT
*The implants used for performing Vertebral Body Tethering (VBT) is an unapproved new device that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not cleared for marketing. We do not claim safety and efficacy for this procedure, which can only be determined by the FDA. Dr. Lonner discusses the associated risks and benefits that he believes to be associated with the use of the system in treating pediatric scoliosis as well as alternative treatment options for scoliosis with each and every patient he evaluates.