Coronavirus Disease 2020 (COVID-19)
Dear Patient and Family,
Our Team at Scoliosis Associates and Mount Sinai Hospital Spine understand that you and your family may be experiencing personal hardships or concerns related to the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak and pandemic. We also understand that you would like your child or other family member to receive care, recommendations and counseling about their spinal condition.
My team and I are here for you, we will be available via email, Telemedicine and E-Consults and look forward to resuming standard practice as soon as this current event passes.
In the meantime, we ask that you reach out to us with any questions or to arrange an E-consult. Please reach out to Patricia Permaul, 212-241-8312, or by email, patricia.permaul@mountsinai.org. Future office visits in the weeks and months ahead can be arranged through our appointment line, 212-241-8947.
Stay well, my very best to you, your family, and friends,
Baron Lonner, MD
Chief of Minimally Invasive Scoliosis Surgery
Mount Sinai Hospital
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
Icahn School of Medicine
Mount Sinai Spine Center
5 East 98th St, 4th floor, Box 1188
New York, NY 10029
Office: 212-241-8312
Appointments: 212-241-8947
Fax: 646-537-9449